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Changing Times: Agriculture Trade Rules for a Multipolar World

Changing Times
Agriculture Trade Rules for a Multipolar World

Tuesday, 1 December
WMO (7bis, Avenue de la Paix, 1202 Geneva) - Press Room

"The reality is that the end of the cold war caught everyone by surprise (Š). As a result, global governance structures did not adjust. And here lies the root of many of today's problems" - Pascal Lamy, 9 November 2009.

The dramatic convergence of multiple crises - food, finance, environment, economy, energy - raises new questions for what trade rules are needed for agriculture today. It also puts tremendous pressure on global governance structures. In many ways, these structures have proved to be outdated. Old power centers are being replaced by new ones, as evidenced by the shift in power from the G8 to the G20. The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy would like to invite you to a two-hour discussion session, in which participants will explore in an open and unconstrained way what this shift in context implies for future agriculture trade rules.


Braz Baracuhy, Agriculture Desk, Permanent Mission of Brazil to the WTO
Michelle Pressend, Economic Justice Network, South Africa
Aftab Alam Khan, Action Aid International
Babacar Ndao, Reseau des Organisations Paysannes et des Producteurs agricoles de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (ROPPA), West Africa
Anuradha Mittal, Oakland Institute, U.S.


Anne Laure Constantin, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

The debate takes place within the Geneva Trade and Development Symposium 2009. To attend this event please register for access badges on the following website: