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Help End the World Bank's Ranking Programs: Stand with Peasants & Indigenous Peoples

In January, the Oakland Institute sounded the alarm on the latest attack on rural poor and Indigenous Peoples around the world, orchestrated by the World Bank.

The new land indicator, created by the Bank as part of its Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) program, is an unprecedented push to privatize public and customary land, allowing private interests’ takeover of the commons in the Global South. This is a major threat to the lives and livelihoods of billions worldwide.

Help End the World Bank's Ranking Programs.
Make a Tax-Deductible Donation

As confirmed by our latest research in DRC, the World Bank is the key mastermind and financier of so-called development projects that put private profits before people and the planet. This is why we must work upstream to stop the drivers of displacement and destruction in their tracks.

In 2014, together with 280 other organizations spanning six continents, we formed the Our Land Our Business campaign to tackle the World Bank head on. Four years of creative campaigning have borne results: we successfully convinced two of the five anchor donors of the EBA program to withdraw funding from the program; we have spawned awareness and growing resistance to the forces that are driving land grabbing and environmental destruction.

Now it’s time to turn up the heat.

This fall, the Oakland Institute is mobilizing land rights defenders from around the world to attend the World Bank’s Annual Meetings in DC. Together, we’ll speak truth to power about the impact of the Bank’s actions to demand an end to its ranking programs.

But we can’t do it without you.

We need the support of committed donors like you to raise $25,000 to allow these courageous land rights defenders to be heard in DC. Will you join us in bringing these vital voices to the halls of power?

Donate Here to Enable Land Rights Defenders to Hold the World Bank Accountable

In solidarity,

Anuradha's Signature Anuradha's Picture

Anuradha Mittal
Executive Director

PS - The World Bank is a powerful actor, but the tide is turning. Around the world, communities are standing up to say NO to policies and projects that harm people and the planet. I hope I can count on you to make a tax-deductible donation to support our campaign against the World Bank.