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Help Us Dismantle False Development Myths

Protest against illegal logging in Pomio, PNG, 2011

Rather than working at the beck and call of government agencies and large foundations, or being consumed by what interests the media, we are accountable first and foremost to our partners. Knowing that the struggles they are engaged in will not be won overnight, this accountability requires a long-haul commitment.

This Year We Secured Wins in Hard Fought, Years-Long Struggles

But Our Work Is Far From Finished


All donations are tax deductible

Since 2014, we’ve exposed the wrongdoings and campaigned against Green Resources, a Norwegian forestry plantation and carbon credit company operating in Kachung, Uganda. I am proud that our dogged and thorough research and advocacy led to the Swedish Energy Agency terminating its agreement to purchase carbon credits from Green Resources in March 2020 — finally recognizing the devastating impact the plantation has had on local communities in Uganda. This victory, over six years in the making, is a testament to our persistence and commitment to dismantling false solutions to the climate crisis.

Our work with civil society in Papua New Guinea (PNG) to ensure land rights continues to influence the national debate and yield results. Just a few weeks after the release of From Extraction to Inclusion — demonstrating the failure of PNG’s development path — the government announced a drastic change to the county’s log export laws. Echoing the recommendations of the report, the government announced a move towards in-country processing with the intent to boost the local economy instead of catering to the bottom line of foreign corporations. This move, after a decade of research and advocacy with partners in PNG, represents a major victory for the local communities and our partners who have long called for a ban on exporting raw logs.

“No wonder. Of all these years of operating, I’ve never seen any tangible and fiscal benefits of logging operations in the rural areas where they operate…Thank you Oakland Institute! I hope our government starts regulating and monitoring the logging industry more stringently.”

Community member in PNG

We continue to deliver in-depth research to dismantle false solutions and myths of “development” to advocate for a better way forward. Your tax-deductible donation is what allows us to commit to these long-term struggles. I hope you will give as generously as you are able to this year. We are counting on you!

In solidarity,

Anuradha's Picture Anuradha's Signature

Anuradha Mittal
Executive Director