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The Oakland Institute's research generates millions of media impressions annually, bringing fresh perspective and voice to reframe the debate on key issues. 


Harmful mining continues in Nicaragua despite U.S. sanctions, new investigation shows


  • The Africa Report

    Plantations et Huileries du Congo (PHC), the DRC’s largest industrial producer of palm oil, faces legal action in Mauritius over claims that its majority shareholder Kuramo has used the company as a vehicle for fraud.

  • Black Agenda Report

    This commentary provides an overview of carbon and biodiversity offsets as an expansion of global capitalism under the western environmental agenda marshalled against development in Africa. I draw from my essay, Imperialism is the Arsonist of our Forests: Towards an African Climate Agenda , published in The Republic, where I expand on this...

  • DandC

    Africa’s drive for carbon credits continues to gather pace. Despite the prospect of generating significant revenue and green jobs, there is concern about the effectiveness, transparency and ethical implications of the current carbon markets on the continent.

  • The Daily Star

    Middle-income countries (MICs), comprising 106 diverse nations, face challenges comparable to low-income countries, including high debt and economic competitiveness issues. Despite their potential economic strength, they risk stagnation, particularly post-COVID-19. These concerns are echoed by numerous global organisations and institutions, as...

  • NY Times

    Over 600,000 tourists travel to Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Conservation Area each year, and many will catch a glimpse of the Great Migration: the famed trek of more than one million wildebeests and thousands of zebras, gazelles and other animals crossing over the Mara River into Kenya and back. Yet the Tanzanian government believes it can attract...

  • Tanzania Digest

    Tanzania’s government aims to raise a staggering USD 1 billion through carbon trading this year. Speaking in parliament on February 9, Minister of State, Office of the Vice President (Union and Environment) Hon. Selemani Jafo announced that 39 carbon projects have already been registered with the government, while 12 have received the green...
