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Public Statements

February 10, 2020
February 10, 2020 António Guterres...
October 29, 2019
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 1111 Columbus Ave San Francisco, CA 94133 Re: Suspicious Death of Environmental Human Rights Activist Golfrid Siregar Dear Consul General Simon D.I Soekarno: We represent 240 civil society organizations writing in regards to...
October 15, 2019
Kip Tom United States Permanent Representative United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture Rome Dear Honorable Ambassador Tom, The United Nations (UN) Committee on World Food Security (CFS) has been leading a process to study and...
October 10, 2019
---FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE--- October 10, 2019 Media Contact:Anuradha Mittal [email protected] +1(510)469-5228...
August 31, 2019
We, members of the civil society organizations from 12 countries express our deep concern at the growing humanitarian crisis in Narmada valley, in Central India, where thousands of families are evicted without rehabilitation for the Sardar Sarovar (Narmada dam). We are also concerned about the...
June 17, 2019
We, the undersigned 300 civil society organizations and networks, represent hundreds of thousands of people around the world. We stand in solidarity with Global South communities and governments fighting for just climate policy and real solutions.
June 5, 2019
Nous vous écrivons pour vous demander de mettre fin à la promotion des parcs agroindustriels par la Banque africaine de développement en RDC. Les parcs, basés sur un modèle mal conçu, auront des conséquences dévastatrices sur les communautés locales et ne produiront pas de résultats en termes de...
June 5, 2019
Nous vous écrivons pour vous demander de mettre fin à la promotion des parcs agroindustriels par la Banque Mondiale en RDC. Les parcs, basés sur un modèle mal conçu, auront des conséquences dévastatrices sur les communautés locales et ne produiront pas de résultats en termes de développement.
June 5, 2019
The AfDB is a key driver and financier of DRC’s plan to establish 22 agro-industrial parks over 1.5 million hectares. Through its provision of US$ 1 million for feasibility studies, the AfDB is explicitly encouraging DRC to prioritize industrial plantations over family farmers, even though it...
June 5, 2019
We are writing to call on you to end the promotion of agro-industrial parks in DRC by the World Bank. The parks, based on an ill-conceived model, will have devastating consequences on local communities and fail to deliver development outcomes.
