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Join it!: Latino March for Peace on Monday March 27th

Dear Friends and Allies,

Hello! As you may know already, the historic Latino March for Peace calling for an end to the war in Iraq arrives in San Francisco on Monday, March 27. Please show your support and join the march for a part of the day and definitely for the culminating ceremony at 5 pm in Dolores Park!

The historic March for Peace is a 241 mile march from Tijuana, Mexico to San Francisco, CA to ensure that the Latino opposition to the war in Iraq is heard loud and clear all across the United States.

On March 12, 2006 Fernando Suarez de Solar, father of Jesus Suarez de Solar, began a 241 mile quest for peace that aims at raising Latino voice of opposition to the War in Iraq. He is joined by Latino military veterans turned war resisters. Together they began their March in Tijuana, Mexico, the birthplace of Jesus Suarez de Solar, and will arrive in the Mission district of San Francisco on March 27, 2006 via Oakland. The March is inspired by nonviolent resistance struggles led by Latino labor activist, Cesar Chavez, and India’s Mahatma Gandhi, who both led marches for peace to call for justice.

Schedule of Events for Oakland and San Francisco March for Peace:

-7:30am, Gather at the Fruitvale BART. March through Oakland's Fruitvale neighborhood.
-10:30am, Gather at Laney College.
-12 noon, Join the Immigrant Hunger Strike at Senator Dianne Feinstein's office (Montgomery/Market). For more information on the Immigrant Hunger Strike go to
-3:15pm, Gather at Mission High School. March through the Mission district
-5pm, Culminating Ceremony with Aztec Dancers at Dolores Park (18th and Dolores St.)

Latinos represent nearly 15% of the US population, 11% of the US military and an estimated 20% of the fallen service members in Iraq. The Latino population is a growing force in the US and their voice must be an active part of the more than 60% of US citizens that oppose the war in Iraq. The March for Peace is an opportunity for the Latino community to unite in a loud and definitive call for an end to the war in Iraq. Because of their unique experiences with this war; Fernando, Pablo, Camilo and Aidan are dedicated to working to end the bloodshed in Iraq.

-Fernando Suarez del Solar is the father of Jesus Suarez del Solar, one of the first Latinos to die in Iraq.
-Pablo Paredes is a Navy war resister who refused boarding an Iraq bound ship on Dec. 6th 2004. He was court martialed, sentenced to prison and eventually discharged.
-Camilo Mejia served one tour in Iraq and then became a National Guard war resister. He was jailed for nine months for refusing to return to Iraq.
-Aidan Delgado is a Conscientious Objector against the Iraq war. He served at Abu Gharib and now tours the country with photographic evidence of the prison abuses.

For more information on the march go to Peace and Solidarity