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Hungry for Justice: Growing an Equitable Food System

Students for Economic & Environmental Justice (SEEJ), UC Berkeley School of Law, presents the 7th Annual Environmental Justice Symposium

February 14–17, 2011

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Read the panel descriptions

Feb. 14th--The Fight Against Hunger Through Progressive Food Stamp Policies
Aida Reyes, Maria Aceves, Wendy Limbert, and Joni Halpern, Supportive Parents Information Network (SPIN)
Rm. 110, Boalt Hall, 12:45pm

Feb. 15th--Reclaiming the Global Food System
Anuradha Mittal, The Oakland Institute
Christine Ahn, Korea Policy Institute, The Oakland Institute
Rm. 105, Boalt Hall, 12:45pm

Feb. 16th--Oakland Food Justice Struggles
Nikki Henderson, People’s Grocery
Nancy Nadel, Oakland City Council
Jenny Kassan, Katovich Law Group, Sustainable Economies Law Center
Rm. 10 5, Boalt Hall, 12:45pm

Feb. 17th--Fair Labor and Food Security for California Farm Workers
Alegría De La Cruz, Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment (CRPE)
Christy Getz, College of Natural Resources, UC Berkeley
Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern, Department of Geography, UC Berkeley
Rm. 105, Boalt Hall, 12:45pm

For more information, visit

Please join us in thanking our generous sponsors: Ecology Law Quarterly (ELQ), Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE), Berkeley Water Center (BWC), Law Students of African Descent (LSAD), Environmental Law Society (ELS), Native American Law Students Association (NALSA), The Graduate Assembly (GA), and Boalt Hall Student Association (BHSA).