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To Order From The Oakland Institute

Order by Mail:

Report cover: Sahel

Please send me ___copies of

Sahel: A Prisoner of Starvation? A Case Study of the 2005 Food Crisis in Niger at $10.00 each: $____

Please send me ____ copies of

Playing Politics with Aid: The Unholy Trinity of Defense, Diplomacy and Development in the War on Terrorism: $_____

4/$3.00, 20/$15, 50/$25, 100/$45

Please send me ____ copies of Food Aid or Food Sovereignty: Ending Hunger in Our Time at $10.00 each: $____


Domestic: $2:50 for the first copy of the report, $0.75 for each additional report. $____

Foreign: $10.00 for the first report, $5.00 for each additional report. $____

Special Gift:$____

Total Enclosed: $____

Send your Order Form Along with the Check to:

The Oakland Institute

P.O. Box 18978

Oakland, CA 94619

For bulk orders: Contact us at [email protected] or call (510) 469-5228