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Rally to Stop the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement

The Korea-US FTA will be the second largest trade agreement since NAFTA. Not only will it cost tens of thousands of jobs and weaken worker rights, the FTA strengthens the rights of corporations over public interest laws intended to protect our health and the environment.

We must let Representative Pelosi and Congress know that we oppose the corporate free trade agenda!

Sponsored by:
San Francisco Labor Council
California Fair Trade Coalition
Citizens Trade Campaign
Eclipse Rising/Hobak
International Forum on Globalization
Korean Americans for Fair Trade
Oakland Institute

Kim, Kyung Ran--Director of External Relations, Korean Federation of Trade Unions (KCTU), South Korea
Anuradha Mittal--Oakland Institute
Christine Ahn--Korean Americans for Fair Trade
and others

Friday, January 14
12:00 noon

Outside Rep. Pelosi's office
Federal Building Annex
90 7th St. (7th and Mission)
San Francisco, CA

For more information: [email protected]