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State of the World 2011: Innovations that Nourish the Planet

An incisive account of the global food crisis-and how it can be solved.

The 2011 edition of Worldwatch Institute's flagship report is a compelling look at the global food crisis, with particular emphasis on global innovations that can help solve a worldwide problem. State of the World 2011 not only introduces us to the latest agro-ecological innovations and their global applicability but also gives broader insights into issues including poverty, international politics, and even gender equity.

See the Table of Contents for more information.

Check out the Nourishing the Planet blog.

At a time when 925 million people worldwide are hungry and investments in agricultural development are at historic lows, governments, policymakers, nongovernmental organizations, and the donor community need to commit to longstanding support for the world's farmers. In Africa, farmers make up 80 percent of the population and hold the key to unlocking the continent's untapped agricultural potential to feed the future. . .

. . .With a large share of the human family still chronically hungry nearly a half-century after the Green Revolution, it is clear that much of the existing funding is not being targeted effectively. Guidance is needed to direct investments toward projects that are already working and that could be replicated or scaled up in regions around the world.

State of the World 2011
Press Conference & Book Launch

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
10:00 AM-11:00 AM EST (1500 GMT)
WNYC Radio's The Greene Space, New York

To RSVP and get address & Call-IN INFO, click here.

Christopher Flavin, Brian Halweil, & Danielle Nierenberg--Worldwatch Institute
Anna Lappé--Small Planet Institute
Stephanie Hanson--One Acre Fund